Birdie was almost 39 years when she passed away. She was born at Lord Kenyans Gredington Stud in Wales by the great Welsh Sec A stallion Bwlch Valentino. She was born black and gradually turned grey with beautiful dapples when I first met her, then as she got older she went white with red speckles known as fleabites!
She always had a beautiful long white flowing mane that people knew her by. I met her 25 years ago when my daughter Philippa was 12 months old. I was teaching at the local Riding Centre and Birdie often was in my lessons. She was a sweet pony who was always quiet with kids. Philippa had already started sitting on ponies, and as she brought the house down screaming when I took her off one, we decided that we really ought to buy Birdie for her to learn on. I saved up my Family Allowance and paid the grand sum of £350 for her.
The years went on. Birdie still working hard in the school, me teaching several evenings and days a week. Philippa decided that when she was three years old she could ride Birdie on her own and master the rising trot! They did it together – amazing. As time went by, they were jumping well and winning in gymkhanas, a great partenership had developed before my eyes. Birdie was a great school master! Philippa never once fell off, nor did other kids. Birdie was every mothers dream of a kids first pony.She never minded how many times she was brought in, bathed, plaited and even nail varnish (pink of course) put on her hooves!
Birdie was a very long suffering little soul, happily carrying disabled kids, scared kids, cocky kids (she loved those) and good kids.She carried them all with a smile and never frightened them.
Although when Philippa grew out of her we felt that we could never sell Birdie (several people did try to buy her) she had earned a quieter life on our farm with Philippa’s other pony Peanuts. They roamed the fields in semi retirement and were very happy.
Six years ago I was able to buy Birdies old friend Raffles who had retired from the Riding School. Peanuts had gone to pony heaven eight years ago with Cushings. They knew each other right away and set about grooming each other. They were constant companions from then on.
On 2nd August, Birdie came in looking a bit under the weather. My vet was called and the decision we had all been dreading had to be made. Gethin did the deed in his usual quiet and kind manner. As Raffles was 30 years old and had big foot problems by then, he was put to sleep with his old friend with Philippa and I there with them. They both died quickly and peacefully in their boxes. My God that was awful!
I think to sum up the luck I had coming accross this dear pony, and the fun and laughter we had with her must be left with something Philippa said when she was 12 years old. Another mum had offered her a lift to a gymkhana with her daughter. After much deliberation, Philippa said “No thank you. I don’t need to prove to everyone that I have the best pony in the world”.
Rest in peace little ponies. You were much loved and will never be forgotten. xx